Can Babies Have Seizures In The Womb

Can Babies Have Seizures In The Womb?

Fetal Seizures During Pregnancy

Most expectant mothers start feeling movements about 16 weeks into their pregnancy. Fetal movements frequently resemble a flutter or a kick and can intensify and develop a pattern as your pregnancy goes on.

Movements are a very vital component of monitoring your pregnancy, even though they are a thrilling and lovely aspect. In the months leading up to the delivery, the doctor will routinely ask about movement. But let’s find out if can babies have seizures in the Womb.

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It’s crucial that you keep an eye on these movements during the entire pregnancy and let your medical professional know if there are any deviations from the pattern. If you notice a sudden drop in movements, you should contact your doctor immediately.

**This post is intended to give information about fetal seizures and is in no way a substitute for talking with your medical team nor is it medical advice. If you suspect there is something wrong, please contact your doctor. **

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In-utero Seizures

The baby’s movements may slow down occasionally for natural causes. The frequency of movements you experience during your pregnancy is affected by a variety of factors, such as life stress, what you eat, cord activity, and changes in the position of your baby.

Fetal seizures are possible, even though they are uncommon. We just want you to be aware of them. Increased activity is generally ok but if you’re concerned, it’s always ok to give your healthcare provider a call.

Baby Shaking in the Womb

So what are the causes of all the shudders, belly shakes, and vibrations from your baby? Your baby makes these motions for a number of reasons.

  • Braxton Hicks – If you feel a hardness or contraction in your abdomen, you may be experiencing this.
  • Hiccups – Your unborn child may be experiencing hiccups while in the womb; you may feel a shudder or vibrations. This is totally normal!
  • Stretching – As your baby grows, it starts to feel a little crowded. You might feel a vibration whenever he or she moves or stretches.
  • Irritable Uterus – This is a disorder where some pregnant women experience uterine spasms.
  • Neurological Spasms – Because of the ongoing development of his or her nervous system, your baby may experience these jittery twitches.

So What Can I Do If the Baby in My Womb Is Twitching?

All you need to know is that the infant is healthy despite these odd sensations and motions, which can make you wonder “can a baby have a seizure in the womb?”

Make yourself as comfortable as you can! Depending on how far along in the pregnancy you are will determine how much you feel your baby moving.

Track these movements hour over hour for a few hours. If they are increasing or decreasing drastically, and this has you concerned, you can call your provider. But absolutely notify your doctor if these movements are close to zero for consecutive hours.

When should I get in touch with my doctor?

Although a spasm-like sensation in the womb is not worrisome, there are several circumstances that can point to more significant issues. If you observe or notice any of the following, contact your doctor promptly:

  • When you press your belly, it feels soft.
  • On your skin, you notice teeny red dots.
  • You have a headache that lasts for 24 hours
  • For two hours, your baby doesn’t move at least ten times.
  • The skin around your hands, eyes, and feet develops an odd puffiness.
  • After 20 weeks, your baby has not started to move in reaction to sound or any other stimuli.

Your baby may not be receiving enough oxygen and nutrients from the placenta if you notice that his or her movements have dramatically decreased. Please call your doctor right away in such circumstances for more guidance and a medical checkup.

Introduction to Fetal Seizures

When a baby has a seizure while still in the womb, these are called fetal seizures. Although there haven’t been many cases documented, it can happen. Seizures typically affect the entire body and are recurrent.

While there are many causes, abnormalities in the nervous system are frequently the culprit. Fetal seizures can also result from conditions like oxygen deprivation, infection, or bleeding in the brain.

What Do Fetal Seizures Feel Like?

Due to the fact that fetal movements sometimes resemble seizures, many mothers are unaware that their child is having one. After all, as your pregnancy progresses, unborn babies do occasionally move more than usual. Moms can be alert for jerky, violent movements that are strong in strength as a sign that the baby is potentially having a fetal seizure in the womb.

Always keep an eye out for excessive fetal movements. If this does happen, it’s crucial to get in touch with the doctor so that he can schedule an ultrasound.

Can Babies Have Seizures in the Womb?

Yes, babies can have seizures in the womb but it is very uncommon. Ultrasounds provide evidence of fetal movement. A fetal seizure may be accompanied by irregular, jerky movements that are strong in nature. The frequency of the seizures varies from two movements per second in clonic convulsions to many times per minute in lightning convulsions, and they typically include the entire fetal body.

can babies have seizures in the womb

What are the baby’s typical movements throughout pregnancy?

At about 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, a number of women first notice their baby moving. In the case of the first pregnancy, you might not start feeling twitches until you are more than 20 weeks along. You may begin to feel movements as early as 16 weeks if you’ve previously been pregnant. The motions of the unborn child are felt by pregnant women as a kick, flutter, swish, or roll.

Both the number of times and nature of your baby’s movements will change as they become older. The hours between noon and eight o’clock are typically when your baby is most active. The fetus typically snoozes for twenty to forty minutes at a time during the day and night, and rarely for up to ninety minutes. Most of the time, you won’t feel a lot of movement while they are asleep.

Up until 32 weeks of pregnancy, there is a tendency for more movements, after which they tend to level out, though the type of movement may alter as your due date approaches. You might not frequently notice all of these movements if you are busy. It’s crucial that you continue to feel your baby move up to the moment you start to give birth. During labor, your unborn child should also move.

Do Fetal Seizures Impact the Baby?

Sometimes seizures go unnoticed, causing no harm to the infant. They can continue to live wholesome lives. However, if the infant has a seizure while in the womb, there is a chance that there will be some issues with their brain health once they are born. The child’s development will be tracked while tests are conducted.

The infant may also experience developmental issues or diseases like epilepsy as they get older.

Seizures in pregnancy, or fetal seizures, are regarded to be extremely uncommon.

There is an indication that a significant amount of neonatal neurological issues start right before childbirth. Seizures are one of the symptoms of that neurological condition that is likely to manifest before birth.

Seizures during pregnancy and in the newborn are significant warnings, indications, or predictors for future neurological diseases in children, such as epilepsy and developmental issues, regardless of the precise type of neurological disorder present.

It’s crucial to contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice that the baby’s movements have been altered, increased, or reduced. They will decide if additional testing, such as ultrasound or fetal movement monitoring, is required.

Does My Epilepsy Impact My Baby?

Many mothers that have epilepsy worry that their babies will also develop seizures. They fear that their condition may be passed on to the unborn baby and endanger the infant while they are expecting.

However, the majority of women with this condition go on to experience a healthy pregnancy and birth. This is not a genetic condition. It’s essential to address the potential of your baby suffering a seizure with your healthcare team.

However, having epilepsy does not put your unborn child at greater risk of harm while in the womb. According to research, just 3 out of every 100 children whose parent has epilepsy go on to develop it themselves.

What would happen if I had a seizure while pregnant?

Many pregnant women who experience seizures have healthy children. However, some seizure types are more dangerous than others. If you have a seizure while pregnant, call your neurologist as soon as possible. Your medicine may need to be changed. Your obstetrician will most likely watch your baby more frequently if you had a seizure in the final few months of your pregnancy.

What if I Have a Seizure While Giving Birth?

Labor is not frequently accompanied by seizures. The majority of pregnant epileptic women birth their babies without incidence of seizure.

Do I Need to Worry About Fetal Seizures?

Fetal seizures are uncommon, yet it is true that babies can have them. The best thing you can do for your baby is to keep an eye on their movements and let your midwife/doctor conduct an ultrasound session so they can examine you. They’ll let you know whether you’re at high risk and what safety measures you should take to protect the health of your unborn child. A second opinion from a doctor or your midwife is always worthwhile if you have any concerns about the health of your unborn child.


Can Babies Have Seizures In The Womb? Yes, but on very rare occasions. There are a number of shudders, belly shakes, and vibrations from your baby during pregnancy and all these are normal fetal movements. Fetal Seizures may be accompanied by irregular, jerky movements that are strong in nature.

As always, if you’re concerned or think this has happened, talk with your medical team. This is by no means medical advice.