Feature | Baby Fever | How To Check My Baby's Temperature Without A Thermometer

Baby Fever | How To Check My Baby’s Temperature Without A Thermometer

Are you dealing with baby fever right now but don’t have a thermometer at hand? Many parents may panic after discovering that they cannot find their trusty thermometer when their babies are in distress. Don’t worry, as there are ways to check if your baby has a fever or not, even without a thermometer. Check out the steps below.

Baby Fever | 5 Steps to Check Without a Thermometer


Step 1: Feel Your Baby’s Forehead and Neck

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Feel Your Baby's Forehead and Neck | Baby Fever | How To Check My Baby's Temperature Without A Thermometer

The first thing to do to check your baby’s temperature kiwigambling.co.nz without a thermometer is to feel your baby’s forehead and neck. Using the back of your hand, feel your baby’s forehead and neck to check if it’s warmer than the usual.

The normal baby temperature is 36.4C (97.5F), and it usually feels the same as an adult’s body temperature. If you feel your baby has an increased body temperature, then it’s possible that he/she has an infant fever.

Note: Be sure to use the back of your hand instead of your palm to feel your baby’s forehead and neck, so you’ll sense the warmness better. Palms often have thick layers of skin, and these aren’t sensitive enough to feel the changing temperatures.

Step 2: Look at Your Baby’s Skin

Another way to check for normal baby temperature is by observing your baby. Take a closer look at your baby’s skin, especially on the cheeks. From there, check if it’s redder than your baby’s normal color. The body often reacts to high fever and temperature through blood circulation that makes a person’s skin flush.

Step 3: See If Your Baby Feels Weak & Sleepy

See If Your Baby Feels Weak & Sleepy | Baby Fever | How To Check My Baby's Temperature Without A Thermometer

Extreme fatigue and sleepiness are two of the common symptoms of baby fever. If you notice that your baby is physically weak and makes a fuss when you carry or put him/her down, then it’s possible that your baby has baby fever. This means that there’s something causing your baby to feel restless.

Step 4: Test Your Baby’s Appetite

The next thing you can do is check your baby’s appetite. Baby fever in children often results in appetite loss and dehydration. Try feeding your baby and see if he/she will accept the milk you’re giving him/her. If your baby refuses, try it again after a few hours. And if your baby still doesn’t want to be fed, then something’s messing with his/her body temperature that may soon lead to baby fever.

Step 5: Check for Other Symptoms

Aside from working on the steps above, you must also check your baby for other fever symptoms. After checking, you can now rule out that your baby possibly has a fever and he/she must see a pediatrician immediately. Here are the common symptoms of infant fever you can check:

  • excessive sweating
  • shivering
  • vomiting
  • agitation
  • difficulty in swallowing
  • dry mouth
  • breathing problems
  • colds and coughs
  • body aches
  • paleness
  • sore eyes
  • diarrhea
  • crying without tears


Don’t panic if your baby has a fever. Try these home remedies from Chubby Cheeks to calm down your little one:


As moms, you must never turn a blind eye to your baby’s body temperature, especially if your baby is showing some signs that there’s something wrong. While baby fever is alarming and it might cause you to get emotional, you must always take immediate action before you panic. Prioritize your baby’s comfort, health, safety, and happiness, and when in doubt, pay your baby’s pediatrician a visit.

Do you have your own method of checking your baby’s temperature without a thermometer? Share it with us in the comments section below!

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