6 year old still not potty trained

6 year old still not potty trained

6 year old still not potty trained, What are the possible causes?

Potty training is a very important aspect of a child’s cognitive, emotional, and psychological maturity. When a child between the age ranges of 6 Years isn’t toilet trained, he or she may suffer from health and emotional issues. However, inasmuch as potty training is important, a parent has to be also careful of attempts to use force to potty train a kid.

There are so many parents who feel the urge to take charge and force their child to potty training. You can motivate or establish an act of love but you can never make a head start by trying to force them. If your consistency in showing them love does not succeed in getting them on board, do not go in stubbornly. The after-effect of stubborn potty training is emotional regression and psychological imbalance.

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Most times, parents shake in fear as they see their 6 Years old child not potty trained and they feel embarrassed. Well, that is totally normal. It was found out by child psychologists that children who are not potty trained are likely to develop temperature traits, negative moods, and are likely to have physiological problems.

Parents most times feel frustrated and annoyed when their kid is having a hard time toilet training; sometimes this leads to parent neglecting their kids. However, you must remember, this inability doesn’t make the child in context less of a good child.

Most times, there are some health, emotional and psychological roadblocks to pass for a child to be independent at using the toilet. These roadblocks are especially important for 6 years old, that is, if you really want to help him or her

What are the causes of a 6-year-old refusal to Potty Train?

  1. Most kids who are not potty trained by the age of 6 are likely to be passing through one medical issue or the other. It is important that the parents are observant to know and proactive enough to seek medical attention at the right time.
  2. When parents rebuke their children and are hell-bent on potty training them too early, there is an emotional detachment such kid feels towards potty training, and in extreme cases, the parent in question.
  3. Lack of persistence in the continuation of toilet training a child. Children differ in many areas, and that includes the speed at which they grasp things. It is important that parents remain persistent in making their kids learn, not by force but with love
  4. Sometimes, things that are considered inconsequential like confusing nappies and underwear may lead to a child losing interest in potty training. Most parents make use of underwear when they are supposed to use diapers.

6 year old still not potty trained

How to potty train a 4 year old

To prevent your child from growing to the extent of suffering from potty training issues, you may need to consider paying attention to a couple of things early enough. When a child is between the ages of 3-4 years old, this is when to notice his or her interest or lack of interest in potty training. You must be observant enough to notice these things as a parent. That way, your child would not need to grow into being a 6-year-old without the knowledge or the interest to potty train. Essentially, if you do not want your children to be that 6-year old that can’t use the toilet, it is important that you properly train him or her as early as 4 years old (that is of course when you can notice the problems in that child). Here are some of the tips you need to potty train your four-year-old;

  • Consult a pediatrician or a child psychologist and find out your child’s mental state, try to figure out if there is any health issue that is constraining him from broiler training.
  • Stop pressurizing or trying to compel them to toilet train, say nothing in potty training for a while let them feel the urge and need to use the toilet.
  • Hire a babysitter and instruct them to let your child play all by themselves to build up their physical, mental, and emotional strength before embarking on toilet training once again.
  • When starting to respond to potty training don’t get too much excited, try to continue the process, and make sure it is consistent.
  • Be always prepared for regression, stress, and other frustrating moments, work through it as a process of change and above all let them know you are not frustrated or worried about it.
  • Let it be known to you that we cannot cajole or try to force a child to do things. Potty training is part of this. The more frustrated they are, the more they resist things.

Potty training resistance 4 year-old

Many kids show signs of being ready for potty training yet they refuse to be potty trained or use the toilet. It is usually not that strange to see a 4-year-old resist or avoid the use of the potty. Rather than get obsessed with age or stories about how easy potty training, try to find out what to do and how to get your child ready for potty training. Sometimes, to these kids, rebuke seems to be like bullying.

There are several things you can put in place to get a 4-year old into potty training.

How to potty train a resistant 4-year-old

✓  When a child resists potty training, it is either the parent or the child is stubborn so parent should play it cool with their kids whenever they want to potty train them.

✓  Try to figure out how to trick them into sitting on a potty with or without their diaper and make them see there is nothing too dear about sitting on a potty.

✓  Parents should avoid the use of diapers and make regular use of underwear.

✓  The parent will need a major incentive to cut through their child’s stubbornness and resistance.

✓  Try to reward them on every improvement of theirs to learn potty training, find a thing that takes their interest, and spend time doing it with them.

How to Prevent Future Potty Training Problems

  • Avoid criticism or scolding your child for any toilet accident, try to offer them a word of praise despite their mistakes. This gives them a lot of confidence and the impression that you are not angry with them.
  • Try to make potty training visit a normal routine during the day, make this into your everyday schedule.
  • Don’t restrict your child or make them sit on the potty when they are indicating the signs to get up.
  • Take steps to prevent temperature traits, negative mood, or constipation.
  • Avoid bathing soap that makes bubbles.
  • Parents should keep their children company and avoid making them feel neglected or lonely.
  • Don’t force or strain your child to achieve or make tremendous steps in potty training.
  • Don’t make use of potty training chairs with a splash guard
  • Help your child with their toilet cleaning and avoid creating a bad impression on them.


There is an English expression that goes like this; “the earlier, the better”. It is important that you take note of your child’s needs or possible disinterests as early as possible. To avoid having a 6-year old that is not potty train, you need to be proactive enough to notice and take care of the shortcomings as soon as he or she is around 4 years old. Parenting does not have to be frustrating, the smoothness or roughness of child upbringing is yours to determine. Do not ruin the moment!

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