when do babies stop eating pureed food

When do babies stop eating pureed food

Parents and guardians introduce puree foods to their babies when they are between the age of four to six months as an advancement in their babies’ feeding system but when to stop seems to be a problem to many. “I think the baby doesn’t show dislike in purees,” “How do I know when to stop?” “Am I doing things right?” And other endless questions exist in many mothers’ minds, but it’s no big deal in knowing when to stop giving their babies pureed food; it’s just the afterwards that matters.

When do babies stop eating pureed food?

When babies reach 8 months to 10 months, puree foods are to be replaced with finger foods. When to carry out this process ranges but it lies between the age mentioned above range. Transitioning babies to finger foods take up different methodologies; they vary in babies due to health conditions, environmental conditions, or other situations. Babies also give signs of being eligible for finger foods when they can get hold of things and move them towards their mouth.

What are Finger foods?

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Finger foods are simply diced or scrunched into small pieces or small bits that the baby can eat themselves. Some mothers (mostly mother’s that the baby is their first birth) underrate their babies and wonder if they can pick up foods themselves at the age mentioned, but on average, babies pick up smaller pieces of food with two fingers (usually their thumb and forefinger)) when they are around 9 months. The process is called Pincer Grasping.

How should parents start the journey to finger foods?

After being sure, the baby meets the conditions of changing their meal form, the finger foods to start with follows. At first, purees aren’t completely stopped. It takes time before the meal will be completely fingered with food. It can start with a mixture of purees and finger food. The baby can also get messy when they start, but usually, they do, and it’s not a sign they are not ready. driven by nutrient composition and not by how nice it tastes. The baby will distinguish tastes and might refuse some as they develop. However, it does not mean the food shouldn’t be included in the future.

Soft Beans

Rich in protein, a good source of fibre, and B vitamins, beans also offer micronutrients like iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and folate. To prepare this, the beans should be well cooked. It should be served after being smashed and rolled into small balls. This is because the pincer grasp of the baby might not pick the beans without being mashed. The temperature should be moderate so that it wouldn’t be too cold or hot for the baby.

There are varieties of beans to select from; the most popular are:

1.   Kidney beans, the commonest.
2.  Garbanzo beans.
3.  Pinto beans are one of the most nutrient-dense foods.
4.  Cannellini beans
5.  Black beans

Whole chickpeas are to be avoided, and they have high chances to choke the baby.


White potatoes and sweet potatoes are good sources of vitamin C, B1, B3, and B6. In addition, potassium, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, magnesium, fat, and folate are present in small quantities. Potatoes can be served in different manners, can be mashed and roasted or diced and roasted. Roasting brings out the inner taste, but the temperature when served should be moderate.


Iron, Vitamin B12, D, Potassium are the macronutrients. It also contains good quality protein and is very low in saturated fat. After being cooked, they should be mashed into balls at a moderate temperature. It makes the baby familiar with the fish taste and will help build a healthy feeding system.

Fresh Blueberries and Raspberries

Fresh blueberries and raspberries are good sources of antioxidant vitamin C, Vitamin K, carbohydrates, and manganese. Blueberries also help in fighting cardiovascular diseases, while raspberries have reduced sugar content and carbohydrate. They can be diced slightly or maybe just by half.

Scrambled Eggs

Contain disease-fighting nutrients like zeaxanthin and lutein in large quantities. In addition, protein, iron, vitamins, and some micronutrients are present in scrambled eggs. It’s one of the nutrient-filled finger foods available. It’s easy to pick up for babies, and it requires less motor movement in them.

Soft Meat

Soft, well-cooked, and tender meats are also one of the finger foods that babies can take. Although it looks weird to introduce meat into the diet of an under 1-year-old baby, the gums can chew the meat into bits. It contains selenium, protein, iron, zinc, and others in small portions. They include riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, phosphorus, potassium, pantothenate, and magnesium. At early stages, the meat can be poultry meats like chicken and turkey but can advance to pork and beef as the baby develops. It should be served in balls, but the tenderness matters a lot.


Preferred roasted, Zucchini is rich in carbohydrates, manganese, lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin A and C. It is high in antioxidants, aids healthy digestion, improves vision, and offers many other benefits. It also introduces the baby to the veggies world.

Other finger foods include:

1. Rice
2. Oatmeal
3. Carrots
4. Corn
5. Firm Tofu
6. Peanut butter puffs
7. Shredded cheese and more.

In cases where there is difficulty knowing which finger food to give after another, consult a pediatrician, but it’s easy to determine, just as we choose what we eat.

Safety Precautions

There might be problems in transitioning from pureed food to finger foods, but to reduce the chances, these precautions or advice should be considered.

1. Give clean foods: A neat food doesn’t mean healthy food. Contaminations and infections should be avoided. The food source should be known and ensured it doesn’t produce substandard foods. During preparation, thorough washing should be given, and the food must be well cooked and tender enough for the baby to swallow. This precaution will also guide against diseases. Avoid sugary foods.

2. Study your child’s condition: Situations differ; observe your baby as they take finger foods. Consider bringing in puree foods if you feel there is a need for them at intervals. Whenever you notice a strange response or an unclear response, consult a pediatrician.

3. Avoid Choking: Gagging is different from choking if the baby only pours the food out, but choking involves blockage of the baby’s throat. While the former is normal, the latter is abnormal. Give the baby finger foods that are in swallow-able sizes. The baby’s age determines how to finger foods will be sliced, diced, or rolled into a ball.

4. Don’t rush: A step at once. The process isn’t meant to be sudden but in cases where the baby shows signs of BLW (Baby-led Weaning), approach it.

Babies need to be groomed at some stages; inability to do so might result in unfavourable situations. Knowing when to stop pureed foods and the processes that followed is as easy as explained—May we not encounter any problem in doing so.

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