How To Feel Like Yourself Again Postpartum (Even If You’re NOT A New Mom)

If you’re like most postpartum moms, you’re struggling to feel like yourself again. You may be wondering how to get your energy back, how to stop feeling so overwhelmed, and how to start enjoying your new baby. It’s totally normal to feel this way – but don’t worry, you can get through it! In this blog post, we go over some simple, yet effective tips that will help you feel more like yourself again postpartum. Keep reading for helpful advice on how to cope with this new stage of motherhood, whether it’s your first baby or your fifth!

15 Tips for Feelings Like Yourself Again After Having A Baby

It’s normal to feel a bit off after having a baby. Suddenly, your body is different, you’re sleep-deprived, and your entire life has changed, even if you’ve had a baby before. It can be tough to get used to this new normal and feel like yourself again. But don’t worry – it is possible! Here are some tips to help you feel more like yourself postpartum.

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(Please note that information in this blog post and on Your Best Mom Life is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Nothing is meant to be medical, legal, financial, or professional advice of any kind. If you have concerns, please always check with your doctor, therapist, or other professionals.)

1. Keep It Simple

Gone are the days of tackling your entire to-do list in a day and all at once, and having time (and energy) to spare. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect or get everything done. This includes cleaning, cooking, self-care -you name it. Just focus on what’s in your control, release the rest, and keep everything simple.

Wash a couple of dishes when the baby lets you put her down, then get some clothes in the washer while she’s in the carrier, and make meals ahead of time or opt for simple and ready-to-go snacks so you never have an excuse to not eat.

2. Go With The Flow

Learning how to adapt and go with the flow will reduce anxiety and stress, while also helping you feel like yourself again much sooner. Try not to set high expectations for yourself, your baby, your partner, or any other kids you have. Everyone is adjusting to this new stage of life and putting pressure on everyone (especially yourself and your baby) will make it even harder to find your new groove. Don’t expect life or your baby to revolve around a schedule, and try to not get upset when things don’t go as planned. Learn to embrace and go with the flow of newborn life!

3. Move Your Body (If Applicable)

Exercise can help improve your energy levels, mood, and overall health. Depending on your healing journey and your doctor’s orders, taking a short walk or doing gentle postpartum yoga are great ways to get your body moving without putting too much strain on your body. Just make sure you’re not pushing yourself and you’re listening to your body and doctor.

4. Eat for Health and Hormonal Balance

It goes without saying, but your hormones are going to be imbalanced after having a baby. One of the best ways to get them into a good range is to make sure you’re eating whole foods and lots of hormone-friendly foods. Not only will you help your body heal, but you’ll feel so much better, energized, and focused (even on little sleep). If you’re breastfeeding, eating well will also help with your breastmilk supply and quality of milk. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet if you can. And drink lots of water! Staying hydrated is so important for your overall health and will help you feel better, too. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and caffeine as much as possible. These can make you feel worse and can interfere with sleep.

You don’t have to go crazy and turn into a health food nut. Just try to include more good-mood-boosting foods like:

  • oranges, bell peppers, and broccoli (Vitamin C)
  • carrots, spinach, and bananas (Vitamin B6)
  • chia seeds, flax seeds, and wild salmon (Omega-3 Fats)
  • seeds, nuts, and whole grains (Zinc)
  • legumes, tofu, and leafy greens (Magnesium)
  • avocado, oranges, asparagus (Folate)
  • Brazil nuts, wild yellowfin tuna, and mushrooms (Selenium) 

5. Connect With Other Moms

Having a baby can feel isolating, whether it’s your first or fifth. It can be hard to find time to connect with other adults, let alone other moms, but it’s so helpful to talk to other moms who are going through the same thing as you. You can connect with them online or in person through events like mommy-and-me programs. This can help you feel less alone and more supported. There are also tons of postpartum support groups out there that can help you feel more like yourself postpartum and know you’re not alone.

6. Get Enough Sleep

This can be difficult with a new baby, but it’s important to get as much sleep as you can. If possible, have someone else watch the baby for a few hours so you can catch up on some much-needed rest. Don’t feel guilty for napping when the baby naps or asking for help. Your body needs rest to properly heal and for you to feel like yourself again. Prioritize your sleep and rest, even if it means letting the house get messy or delegating everything but taking care of you and your baby.

7. Take Some Time For Yourself

Make sure to schedule in some “me” time, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. This can be used for anything that makes you feel good, such as reading, taking a bath, or getting a manicure. Doing things that make you happy will help you feel more like yourself postpartum, whether you’ve been doing them your whole life or you’re picking up new interests and hobbies.

8. Talk To Your Partner

If you have one, it’s important to communicate with your partner about how you’re feeling and what they can do to help you feel better. They may not be able to read your mind, so it’s important to tell them what you need. This can help you feel more connected and supported in your relationship and prevents resentment and negative feelings towards each other.

9. Track Your Moods

Keeping track of your moods can be so helpful. Even if you feel happy overall, hormonal and life changes can really impact your mental and emotional wellbeing, and it’s important to have a track record of moods, thoughts, and behaviors. You can use a journal, regular paper, or an app like the Postpartum Progress app which lets you track your mood and symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum

10. Practice Gratitude

One of the best ways to feel good is by practicing gratitude. Every day, write down a few things that you’re grateful for. This can be anything from your health to your partner to your baby’s gummy smile. Focusing on the positive will help you feel better and more like yourself postpartum. 

11. Get Outside

Fresh air and Vitamin D can do wonders for your mood. Take a walk around the block, sit in the park, or spend some time outdoors. Getting out of the house can help you feel more like yourself and less cooped up postpartum. Even if you can just open your windows or sit on your porch, any amount of fresh air and sunshine is important. Walking barefoot in the grass or on a sandy beach is also incredibly therapeutic and can help you feel more grounded, too. And if you can’t get real sunshine, consider using a light therapy mask or lamp for the same benefits as sunlight.

12. Enjoy The Little Things

Take some time to enjoy the little things in life. This can be anything from a cup of coffee in the morning to playing with your baby. Savoring the small moments will help you feel more like yourself postpartum and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. Go for a walk, sit in your yard or on your porch with a book, plant flowers, start a new hobby like nature photography, or even go for a drive around town. 

13. Journal

Writing things down can really help you process your thoughts and feelings. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or just need to get something off your chest, try journaling. You can write about anything and everything, and it can be a really cathartic way to release pent-up emotions. You can also use journaling as a way to track your moods, goals, and progress. This can help you feel more in control of your life and like yourself again postpartum. We really like the Postpartum Self Care Journal from Promptly Journals. It has important information for postpartum moms, reminders, affirmations, trackers, blank journal space, and guided journal prompts. They also have other journals, too so look around on their site.

14. Seek Professional Help

If you’re struggling to cope with your postpartum emotions, thoughts, or anything else – please don’t be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can provide you with support and guidance as you adjust to this new stage of motherhood. You can find a therapist through Postpartum Support International, or your doctor may be able to recommend someone. There are also online options, like Better Help and Talk Space. Baby blues and postpartum anxiety, rage, and depression are normal but need to be addressed. There’s no shame in getting support for you and your family! You deserve to be your best self, and your baby deserves the happiest momma version of you!

15. Remember That You’re Not Alone and Things Will Get Better!

Becoming a mom is one of the hardest and most rewarding things you’ll ever do, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. Just remember that you’re not alone in this – other moms have been there too. Lean on your support system, take things one day at a time, and give yourself grace. This is a new season in life and like everything else, it will pass and you’ll find your new normal. You’re doing an amazing job!

The Gist

We hope these tips were helpful and that you feel supported in your postpartum journey! Try to be patient – it takes time to adjust to this new phase of life. So much is going on in your body and life from hormonal imbalance and learning how to care for a baby. Give yourself grace and remember, you’re not alone and you’re doing an amazing job! There is no “right” way to feel. You’re doing an amazing job and you’ve got this! Do what works for you and your family, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. And of course…congratulations on your new arrival!