Itsy Bitsy Spider Craft For Toddlers: Halloween Crafting Fun

This preschool spider craft is a fun activity and a great opportunity to practice counting!

While making the handprint spiders below you can count the 8 legs, and your child’s fingers.  Spiders also usually have 8 eyes so you can also count the 8 googly eyes.

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Now let’s craft some itsy bitsy spiders!

Easy Itsy Bitsy Spider Halloween Craft

Itsy Bitsy Spider

This simple Halloween craft for preschoolers is perfect for decorating an for the spooky season!

It also makes a great birthday theme for those October babies.

All you need is some construction paper, googly eyes, some hands to trace, and a pencil to create these spooky crafts.

You can either tape them to your windows or create a itsy bitsy spider toddler door to their bedroom, put them on popsicle sticks or hang them off white yarn to look like a web.

You can make “Itsy” spiders with your toddler’s hand and then “Big spiders” using your own hands. Then let your toddler color, put stickers on, and place the eyes to decorate them more.

My toddler LOVED chasing me around with her spider on a stick. I later placed it in a bowl of clementines with some Jack’o’laterns drawn on them.

This is a super easy preschool spider craft that lets your toddler take the lead in creativity!

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  • PREP TIME 1 minute
  • ACTIVE TIME 10 minutes
  • TOTAL TIME 11 minutes

Supplies Needed


  • n/a


  1. Fold a piece of construction paper in half. Trace four fingers (for a bigger spider body include half your palm, for a skinnier spider trace less palm) along the folded portion.
  2. Cut out the traced fingers
  3. Open up the construction paper to reveal your spider
  4. Let your toddler sticker or color the spider
  5. Help your toddler add the googly eyes

Toddler/Preschool Spider Facts to Explore

  • What do spiders eat? Insects/bugs
  • How do spiders catch bugs?  Their webs
  • Where do spiders live?  Indoor and outdoors! Indoor spiders like cozy spots like dusty corners.  Outdoor spiders can live in lots of places: in gardens, in the woods, holes in walls and fences, even in water! 

© Mom in the Six