Baby cries in pain when changing diaper

Baby cries in pain when changing diaper

Diapers are an essential part of baby care. They were designed to allow the mother some time and space, and help the baby get comfortable all day long. However, just like all aspects of child care, things could go wrong with the diaper changing routine.

In those cases, the diaper changing process can prove to be a literal pain in the child’s buttocks. Then, the child cries, screams and kicks at the slightest touch when you (as a mother or a nanny) attempt to wear them a diaper.

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Sometimes you are left wondering why such presumed soft materials could bring discomfort to a child. It’s not just you; the situation leaves a lot of parents at the mercies of wild guesses and different advice.

However, before we discuss the best courses of action you should take when this happens; let’s consider the reasons why a baby may cry during diaper change.

Why would a baby cry in pain during diaper change?

Babies cry when they are in pain or when something makes them uncomfortable. Crying during a diaper change is a baby’s way of expressing his or her pain. So what are some of the things that can make a baby experience pain during a diaper change?

1.  Are the diapers too tight

At times, the constant tears, shouts and kicks that punctuate your baby’s diaper change routine may be your fault. It could be that you apply too much force on the baby’s pelvic region. Of course, that would make any one wince in pain. On the flip side, it could be the size of the diaper. Different diapers are made for different sizes, if you had been attempting to wear a smaller diaper size for your baby, he or she may cry out in disapproval.

2.  It could be that the child is not feeling too well

When a baby suddenly starts to cry successively during diaper changes, you should take more time to observe the baby. It could be a sign to a pain in the baby’s pelvic region; it could be a medical issue. In actual fact, there are quite a number of physiological complications that could make your baby hate diaper changes because of pain. For instance, if the baby has bowel complications like Acid reflux he or she is bound to always cry out during diaper change. Quite similarly, diaper rashes are sure to cause pain to any baby; naturally, they cry. It could also be signs that your baby may fall ill.

3.  Is the weather cold?

A baby is very susceptible to numbness and the pain that comes with it during a cold weather. Trying to wear a diaper for such baby may aggravate the pain, if you don’t do something about the code. The baby’s skin – after being exposed to cold – may react painfully to things as slight as ordinary human touch. Imagine how much pain it would be to wear a diaper for the baby in that condition.

A variety of other things like hunger, sleep, tiredness or positioning could also make your baby cry (less painfully) during diaper changing.

Baby cries in pain when changing diaper? Here’s What You Can Do!

Now that you are aware of the causes, there are quite a number of standard ways to respond to the pain and help make the process smoother for your baby and yourself;

  1. Change the diaper and reduce the pressure – As discussed earlier, it is important that you observe the size of the diaper you have been wearing for your baby. You should pause and answer the following questions; has your baby grown in size? Has he or she increased in pelvic width? Is the diaper size too small for your baby’s hips? If you have successfully checked all these boxes, make sure you are not applying too much pressure while putting the diaper round the baby’s waist. Do this for some days and observe.
  2. Take time to carefully observe your child and take action – It could most likely be that your child is about to develop a sickness. It could be that the baby has actually developed the sickness. In any case, you should take note of the metrics of your baby’s welfare. If you notice any slight changes, be quick to take the child to a pediatrician. Even in the case of otherwise, and you are sure it’s not because of too much pressure, take the baby to the doctor.
  3. Use baby creams on the baby’s pelvic region – This helps to keep the baby warm and moisturize at the pelvic region. Coupled with a doctor recommended powder, moisturizers are a good way to protect the baby from diaper rash and other related complications.
  4. Make sure to keep the baby warm – If you notice a baby reacts and cries to slight irritations in touch during diaper changes, you could make some warmth for the baby. It is important – if this is the case – that you provide the necessary amount of warmth. Too hot environment could damage a baby’s skin. In the same vein, constant exposure to a cold environment is dangerous to both the baby’s skin and the baby’s physiology.
  5. To prevent your baby from crying at all, you could use some of the tips below;
  • Feed the baby before attempting a diaper change
  • Sometimes, make eye contacts that act like some sort of alert for the baby to get ready
  • Change the baby’s diaper on the floor or preferably a soft and flat surface
  • Change the diaper in a decorated baby room. That way, he or she has something that keeps their minds engaged.


Diaper changes are supposed to be smooth and easy. The original purpose of diapers is to make life comfortable for the baby. When these incontinence products start to be sources of trouble, it is important that the mother takes active steps to check and provide solution to such problems.

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